On Tuesday, Feb 18, The Avenue will visit the First Congregational Church. The roots of the church emerged in 1867 from an initiative of the American Missionary Association to educate former slaves after the Civil War. The initial church building was erected in 1877 on Courtland Street and the current sanctuary was built in 1908. For more than 150 years, the church has been an important center of community life, hope and faith, nurturing many community leaders. Rev. Andrew Young currently serves as the Pastor of Global Missions. The senior pastor, Dr. Dwight Andrews, is a prominent musician and Professor of Music Theory and African American Music at Emory University. Their music ministry has partnered with NAPC over the years to produce a joyous Easter Sunrise Service for Midtown. Join us for a tour of this historic and important church, learn about the history and see the recent renovations.
We will meet at the church at 11:30 am for those who want to eat lunch together before the tour. Order a box lunch or bring your own! Transportation will depart from the downstairs parking lot at 1:00 pm to arrive for the one-hour tour, which begins at 1:30. We expect to return to the church parking lot by 3:00 pm.